
What you should NOT wear if you are traveling by plane

October 25, 2017

Pay attention to these recommendations if your holidays start at an airport.

The choice of our looks can depend on many things, including our tastes, our mood or our plans. Because it is not the same dress for a work meeting as for a party with friends or to make a trip. And, in the latter case, it is crucial to choose the clothes that we will put in the suitcase, but also the ones we will wear when traveling. For example, if you are going to go through an airport because, even if you do not believe it, this could avoid security problems and therefore, unnecessary dislikes (can you imagine missing a flight for a mistake when choosing your look?). These are the 'forbidden' garments for your airport looks. Take note!

Bracelets, necklaces and metal rings

Less is more, especially if we are talking about an airport look. Leave the accessories for another occasion (although they are of maximum tendency). We know that this year the bracelets and necklaces are in multiple versions, and also the XL earrings, but take them better in the suitcase and bring them to your destination. They could pitante you in control, have to take them off and then maybe lose them. And we do not want to take that risk.

Pants 'cargo' or similar

Cargo type pants are one of the less friendly garments in airports because they have many pockets . Sometimes a wrench, a lighter, a fork, or any other metal thing can blow the detector and cause you more than one problem. So you know, better avoid them, even if they are of the highest tendency.

'Maxidresses' or skirts

We know that they are a great option for your comfort, but not the most practical if you are traveling by plane. Avoid them, or you'll risk security agents suspecting that you can carry something hidden underneath and have to bury you. Instead, wear clothing that is more attached to your body, such as jeans or leggings, and you will avoid that problem.


This year they have become the real protagonists of our hairstyles. But no, they are not good traveling companions if you have to do it by plane, so forget about them in that case. And is that, if you have many, they are likely to blow the alarm of the metal detector and this will waste your time. And in an airport, the time is gold if we do not want to miss our flight.


If the forks or the keys hidden in a pocket can give you problems, the same happens with the belt buckles. Yeah, we know they take it. Yes, we know that the XL versions are the most. But no, they are not a good traveling companion, at least when traveling. Keep it in the suitcase and show it off with your favorite jeans or dresses when you get to your destination; or over your blazers and coats, one of the fashionable gestures of autumn. And, if you insist on taking it, remove it before passing the control (it will whistle in the bow).

Boots or shoes with wedge

Following the same logic as with maxivestidos or hats, boots and shoes with thick soles are not well received in a security control. If you count on having to take them off and you do not care, go ahead. Of course, have the foresight to wear decent socks and locates (or asks) the bags that will lend you at the airport to avoid being barefoot.


Caps, hats... Any item in which you can hide something can raise suspicion. So, if you want to wear your favorite beret, do it, but hand in hand (and put it on a security control tray), do not wear it when you pass through the bow.

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